Welcome to the IDEAS Student Association! This organization's goal is to build a greater sense of community within the IDEAS program through social events, professional development opportunities, and student mentorship, and increase the communication between IDEAS cohorts.

As students in the IDEAS program, you are automatically base members of the Association, meaning you are invited to all IDEAS Association events and general meetings, and you will be able to vote for the executive board.

The Association executive board has 5 positions: President, Vice-President for Student Affairs, Vice-President for Professional Development, Treasurer, and Archivist. The IDEAS Student Association also has two committees, led by their respective Vice-Presidents: Student Affairs, which manages mentorship and social events, and Professional Development, which will be planning resume workshops and mock interview sessions. For more information, follow @lu_ideasa on Instagram or email the current President, Dylan McFarland, at drm525@lehigh.edu.